I bought my first uke at
Elderly Instruments back in 1981 when they were still in East Lansing, across Grand River Ave. from the MSU campus. The uke in question was a Hohner Soprano, which is sitting right next to me as I type this. I remember distinctly that there was a
Style 3 Gibson in the store at the same time, and that one of the employees urged me to buy it. It was a sweet uke, he said. But, alas, being a poor college student at the time, I felt it would be extravagant to plunk down $85 for a uke. So I went with the Hohner. It was $19.
Elderly is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, and Lanikai has released a special flame maple tenor model to commemorate the event. Edition limited to 300. I'm sure it sounds way better than my Hohner. But man, that Gibson was sweet.
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