Sunday, June 05, 2011

‪BlueDeanCarcione: You've Got a Friend in Me‬‏

I love Randy Newman's music. And I've always wondered if one could do justice to his unique chord structures on the uke. I wonder no more, and marvel at BlueDean Carcione's arrangement of "You've Got a Friend in Me." If anyone can help us out with a tab, you'd earn our undying gratitude. Link‬‏


Anonymous said...

He does a great job, and I especially like his Randy Newman covers.... Ukester Brown

Ron Hale said...

Jeff tells me he met you, Gary.
He and his wife came to Napa for a crafts fair last summer and we met in their porcelain ware tent. Wendy makes some very fine stuff. Jeff's posted some photos of her work on HU, and if you haven't seen them, take a look.

I'm listed on his Humble sites as
"Deep Research". What that means is that I trawl YouTube daily and send him what I find interesting or noteworthy for one reason or another. Jeff wades through them and posts the ones he feels best fit the blogs.

Generally, I concentrate on non-bari stuff and that frees him up to spend more time on his baritone sites. What he posts is only a fraction of what I dig up and send, though, and he's usually backlogged with videos.

I never know exactly what he'll like (apart from a few things) and I never know just what will see the light of blog day. Our tastes, both uke and non-uke, are not always in synch, but are enough so that usually he finds something to put up.

This is my side of the story, anyway.

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