Saturday, November 28, 2009
Fundraiser for Tangi
Thursday, November 26, 2009
"Pass the Donuts"

UPDATE: Don't miss Gerald's Cold War history lesson in the comments!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Zac Efron Ukes in "Me and Orson Welles"

Now the film adaptation of "Me and Orson Welles" is hitting the theatres with Zac Ephron starring as the young uke-player (aged for the film to provide a heartthrob marketing angle, we suspect). Now all we need is a High School Musical ukulele to make this a trifecta. And, wonders of wonders, there is one.
My favorite angle to the story? Author Robert Kaplow is perhaps better known to NPR listeners (of a certain vintage) as Moe Moskowitz. Link
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A Jake and Two Queens
"I was shocked to hear that Bette Midler knew my music. I've been a huge fan of hers for many years," said Jake. "She's like a queen of entertainment. And to be performing with her for the Queen of England... it's a bit too much for me. I'm just so honored."Quite a line-up for the event. (But...wonder what HRH will make of Lady Gaga...) Link
Monday, November 23, 2009
Craig Robertson: Interview | Ukulele Hunt
(Kidding, Craig.)
Friday, November 20, 2009
Cigar Box Ukulele Kit

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Arthur Godfrey: Uke Tuning Advocate
Kaye Offers Uke Plan to MPPA; Pubbers Cool
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Curious Case of Benjamin Formby?

What is this? Some creepy cut and paste job, or a colorized photo of George in garb that coincidentally returned to style in the '70s? Or is Georgie now a babe in a cradle with his little ukulele in his hands a la Benjamin Button. Creepy. Link
Monday, November 16, 2009
King/Tranquada Journal Article
Tangi Ukulele Owner Savagely Beaten
Astro Boy Uke

Saturday, November 14, 2009
Pink Elephant...
Whahoo WIUO!
But…the Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra from
Check out their joyous, spot-on cover of Prince’s “I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man”.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Friday, November 06, 2009
George Formby Handbills

Peghed Tuners Now Available on Flukes

New Takamine Guitars Jake Shimabukuro Designed Ukulele

As one would expect, Shimabukuro wanted the new uke to be a real player, but affordable to as many people as possible (especially kids). A quick glance at the press shot of the uke shows some unexpected details in an entry-level instrument, notably the long neck (14 frets to the body) and extended fretboard (19 frets altogether!).
The MIGM uke will play a key role in supporting “Four Strings for Kids,” a program dedicated to making the ukulele available to children all over the world. A portion of the online only sales of the uke will go to support MIGM's outreach programs.
It's scheduled to go on sale early 2010. Link
Kepasa Ukuleles

This is the first installment in what I hope will become a monthly feature on Ukulelia. Each month I will discuss a maker of custom ukuleles; how they look, how they sound, why you should get one. This is more or less subjective on my part, although I have bought and sold string instruments all my life (Is this self-serving? Probably, but it's the way I'm going to approach it.). I won’t discuss any instrument in this series that I haven’t actually played.
Before I get into a specific builder, I guess there is the question of “why?”. Why buy a custom ukulele when there are so many good production ones out there now?
For me, the answer to that is easy. I like to think that the music I make is unique and personal. I think all musicians consider their sound unique and personal. One step in achieving that is having an instrument that was designed specifically for you. To produce a sound that is specific to you.
The other reason is to have a dependable instrument to play that, no matter how much you play it, you never discover all the sounds it can make. Sometimes when I look at a ukulele I just want to play it so I can hear it make “that sound”.
To start off, I’m going to take a look at Kepasa Ukulele in
Kevin’s building philosophy is outlined on his website:
“Build light, build loud, build often! Kepasa Ukuleles are designed to have a full and warm tone. I prefer this sound for fingerstyle ukulele and chord/melody style ukulele.
I enjoy studying the art of tap-tuning the top and back. Part of this is done by paying attention to wood thicknesses and strengths for each wood type, and shaping the braces to get the sound that is the most optimal from each particular ukulele. I start with a certain plan for each ukulele and I adjust accordingly along the way by communicating with the ukulele in progress. Sometimes the wood whispers to me...”
(above: left; a mahogany Josephine and right; a Koa model)
The two Kepasas I own are based on the Stewart “LeDomino” from the Twenties. They have a 14” scale, which is between a soprano and a concert, and are strung with concert gauge strings. This gives them a punchy, loud sound with a lot of depth. Although the top of a ukulele is important to the production of sound, the “body sound” what defines and broadens the sound. Kevin’s ukuleles have a warm sound. The mahogany ones are darker with more sustain and the koa ones have a surprising amount of bottom end.
The necks are fast and smooth and the ones with a 14” scale give just a bit more room. The saddle is compensated. I’m not one who ‘scopes the intonation, but I can hear if it’s off. I still feel conflicted about “strings through the body” method of anchoring the strings; it makes them harder to change, but I never worry about the bridge flying off. (I have had that happen occasionally with older ukuleles). Kevin makes a number of "standard" styles, these are just one of them.
This is a video of me playing a Kepasa “Josephine” in mahogany; (I'm not a great believer in "audio samples". The recording process always adds something to the sound; so this is how it sounds when I record it. Your results may vary...)
Right now Kevin’s prices are extremely reasonable, but the demand for his instruments is going up. Kevin, himself, is a great, easygoing guy and a joy to work with. Cheerful and self-effacing, he will give you a due date and stick to it. (This is a good thing in the world of luthiers). He has a music store in
Rather than make these articles too long and unreadable, I have opted for hitting the high points. If you want more info, contact Kevin; he's an easy guy to talk to.