Well Mr. B made good on his promise. He took the paper bag full of money from the benefit (all $344.23 of it) to Dietze Music in Omaha and picked up 17 Hilos. But does a billionaire pay retail? Need you ask?
"After the store clerk quoted a price, Buffett demanded a discount because he was buying in bulk. 'We shot him a deal,' said Dan Sullivan, a manager at Dietze Music. 'It was for a good cause.'"Warren then personally delivered the ukes and gave the girls their first lesson.
"'He's a rich man, and he doesn't show it,' says Natalia Partridge, also 10. 'I thought he was going to be snobby and kind of mean, but he turned out to be really nice.'"Here's a really charming article about the encounter. Link
Here's a photo slideshow of Warren's visit. Link
And here's a not to be missed video of Warren and the girls. It's about the most beautiful and touching thing I've seen all year. Link
(Thanks, Patrick!)
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