Okay, all you slackers in the nation's capital, here's your chance:
"The Hawaii State Society of Washington DC presents a Slack Key and Ukulele Music Weekend Workshop featuring Grammy artists Keoki Kahumoku (slack key), Herb Ohta, Jr. (ukulele), Grammy nominee Keale (music and culture), and Hawaiian language, voice, and hula artist Darci Baker (Hawaiian mele and voice). Here are some details.
Workshop classes include Basic and Intermediate instructions in Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar and/or Ukulele, private one-on-one or one-on-small group sessions, and Hawaiian jam (kanikapila) sessions with the artists. Singing and understanding Hawaiian music is important, so there will also be workshops in voice and the culture behind some of the music where you will gain a deeper appreciation of Hawaiian culture through its music and stories. Open to teens and adults.
Date: Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 9-11
Place: Northern Virginia Community College, Ernst Cultural Community Center
Details on registration
1 comment:
If you are still trying to decide to register for the Hawaii State Society of Washington, DC first Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar and Ukulele Weekend Workshop and Concert [October 9-11], you need to read further.
We just received the kind word from KoAloha Ukulele that they are going to donate two KoAloha 'ukulele to our workshop: 1 concert and 1 soprano. Very auspicious since all three musicians who will be teaching at this great weekend all play KoAloha 'ukulele.
The first 50 paid student registrants, including those who have already registered, will be eligible for a free drawing for the KoAloha soprano ukulele. What a deal for you 'ukulele enthusiasts, huh? Pay $425 for student registration and have a 1/50 chance of receiving a free KoAloha soprono 'ukulele. And you'll be in a place to have these great artists autograph it for you, if you like. [Workshop Student Registration Form: http://www.hawaiistatesociety.org/workshop/HSS%20Workshop%20Registration%20Form%20v1.1.pdf]
The other 'ukulele will be offered as a silent auction at the concert that Sunday, October 11, 9-11pm. To be eligible for the silent auction, you must attend the concert. The auction will close at the end of the concert intermission. I will announce the winnder of the silent auction sometime during the 2nd half of the concert. The winner must make payment for the 'ukulele that night. [Concert ONLY purchase form: http://www.hawaiistatesociety.org/workshop/HSS%20Concert%20Ticket%20Request%20Form%20v1.1.pdf]
In addition to the 2 'ukulele, there will be door prizes for which all students will be eligible.
Here's the link to the KoAloha ukulele website for the
concert: http://www.koaloha.com/KoAloha_Products/ConcertStd.html
soprano: http://www.koaloha.com/KoAloha_Products/SopranoStd.html
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at info@wakinekona-foundation.org. For more information about the workshop, please go to http://www.hawaiistatesociety.org/workshop/Slack-Uke-Workshop.htm
Moses Kamai
HSS Board member and Project Chair
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