"I just released my new Uke/Hawaiian Steel CD -- Ukulele Hit Parade. The disk contains instrumental arrangements of songs that were top hits in the 20th Century. Some obscure one's I'm sure, but they all were hits (to someone at least).Ordering info at Gerald's website. And oh, the humanity, there's a video, too.
I'm also offering a two for one CD deal for a limited time. Buy my new disk get any other disk from my catalog for free. Free shipping too. Oh and I almost forgot... you also get a free UkeTone Records bumper sticker and logo stickers too!"
You might also want to check out the comments for more from Gerald.
Gerald also sez:
Disclaimer - This famous and prominent PHOTOSHOPPED politician is not endorsing my CD, my music or anything of mine. This is a parody - get it? Look - there are five pictures of me in the audience. What? do you think I'm so handsome that I was cloned five times?
"do you think I'm so handsome that I was cloned five times?"
Well. Yeah. That's what I thought.
Well, Gerald isn't/wasn't, but Brian Heffernan apparently is/was.
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