Thursday, December 31, 2009
Sixth Annual Ukulele Drop
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Xmas From Jake
'Tongan King of Ukulele', Sione Aleki
Here he is performing all his tricks!
He was an incredible man, not very widely known in international uke circles simply because he lived in Tonga and not Hawaii or a more populated place... Only a fortnight ago, I was interviewing him on a sunny Auckland day about his life of ukulele playing (for a documentary to be screened here next year). He could play every style from every Pacific island and while he had a delicate touch, what really got the kids excited at the annual NZ Ukulele Festival was the way he'd roll over and over on the floor playing his uke behind his head, or with his foot, or his teeth, or pretty much any part of his body he could think of, with a permanent smile on his face, and all whilst being mostly blind.
Here he is performing all his tricks!
I thought you might be interested to know the sad news that the 'Tongan King of Ukulele', Sione Aleki, just passed away this week - collapsed and died whilst performing on stage in Tonga.
Here he is!
He was an incredible man, not very widely known in international uke circles simply because he lived in Tonga and not Hawaii or a more populated place... Only a fortnight ago, I was interviewing him on a sunny Auckland day about his life of ukulele playing (for a documentary to be screened here next year). He could play every style from every Pacific island and while he had a delicate touch, what really got the kids excited at the annual NZ Ukulele Festival was the way he'd roll over and over on the floor playing his uke behind his head, or with his foot, or his teeth, or pretty much any part of his body he could think of, with a permanent smile on his face, and all whilst being mostly blind.
And when that wasn't enough, he'd play the saw:
more more more
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tappy Recoving from Broken Hip
Let's all send early birthday wishes for a speedy recovery to Bill, who will be a mere 102 on New Year's Day. Link
Monday, December 21, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Bette Midler with Jake Shimabukuro - In My Life
Here 'tis: Jake and the Divine Miss M at the Royal Variety Performance. I like that the stage seems to be a giant conceptual ukulele. Link
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Van Gogh Ukulele

Even More Playing the Ukulele While Juggling
Yes, even more. David Cain sings, plays, and juggles while creating a tune.
Playing Ukulele While Juggling
Zaza gave us a tip to search for these guys. One-upping the Maestrosities (see below), these guys plunk out a tune while juggling 6 ukes. (For you more serious-minded uke aficionados, cf Samuel Johnson's quip about a dog's walking on its hinder legs: "It is not done well; but you are surprized to find it done at all.")
A Rare Fitting
A: What is the ukulele player going to wear when s/he performs for the Queen of England?
Jake Shimabukuro ponders the question here. And don't miss the video of him giving the new jacket a test run in the fitting room here.
* As everyone know, the most frequently asked question in the English language is "Is that the banjo player's Porsche?"
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Ukulele Lad is Internet Hit
I have tried to avoid blogging this video, but I now compelled to say that if this ends up getting more hits than Jake's Central Park While My Guitar Gently Weeps video, I'm just gonna give up.
Truth be told. This keiki's version of Jason Mraz's I'm Yours doesn't really showcase his talent. Watch him get his full Shimabukuro on this video of Gently Weeps.
If more ukes end up under the Christmas tree this year, I think we can all thank this little guy.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Shelley Rickey

Maestrosities Juggle Ukes
The Maestrosities also have some upcoming NY shows. More info here.
UPDATE: Jason from Sonic Uke sez "it's only two but we play them too." At least they didn't drop the towel.
Ukulelia Holiday Songbook - 2009 Edition

A big addition this year is Dominator's two-video tutorial on how to play Aldine Guerrero's arrangement of The Christmas Song. An easier (but still plenty challenging) arrangement of this old Chestnut is Narciso Lobo's (download it here).
And please, if you know of any sites or charts that we've overlooked (or discover a broken link), leave a comment via the link below and we'll add them to the list.
The Ukulelia Holiday Songbook
Lights! Camera! Phredd!

Yeah, Yeah, I know...not normally the kind of music I come across in Ukuleletown. But this guy has an infectious style that gets across to kids. Yeah, there are a few kids in Ukuleletown. Free-range kids that like what they like and listen to what they listen to.
Listen to Phredd.
Phredd Central
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Jake Meets the Queen
Friday, December 04, 2009
The Belt Loop
Caveat: to download/vote for the track, you need to "friend" Microsoft, at least temporarily.
Fun fact about "Tears That I've Cried": the percussion loop is actually producer Tim Cohan's belt buckle. We call it the belt loop.
Behold, the Ukeyola!
It's a viola scale and bodied ukulele made by renowned violin maker Robert McCluskie, senior luthier at the Potter Violin Company. It reminds me of the fretless ukulele that my friend Tuba made out of violin back in our Ringling days.
Check out Cathy and Marcy's other instruments, too, including a sweet Talsma ukulele modeled after the Martin MC3H Marcy Marxer Signature Model Guitar.
Ticket to Pluck

Pohaku Ukuleles

Peter Hurney is the luthier behind Pohaku Ukulele in behind his house and it’s there he produces some of the most unusual and musical ukuleles on the scene today.
What I like first about Peter’s work is that it is superior craftsmanship. His woodworking skills are amazing…and they have been honed through many other projects other that just instrument production. On his website under “Other Stuff” you can see some of the beautiful and fanciful creations he has built.
So, what do Peter’s ukuleles sound like, and why would you want one? The sound of a Pohaku, to my ears, is very clear and precise. I have one in koa and one in mahogany, and, although they both have their own unique sound, they have an identifiable quality that they share: they aren’t muddy and have a good snap. For recording, especially, this is a marvelous quality.
Beyond the sound is the appearance of a Pohaku ukulele. Noted ukulele players like Bliss Blood, Ami Worthen, Tippy Canoe, Uni and her Ukulele, Kitten on the Keys, etc…all use Pohakus on stage. They look great and survive the rigors of performance. Peter has an entire section on his website of “art ukuleles”; ukuleles that are “themed” or have some special artistic merit.
Pohaku prices are very reasonable for a good performance instrument; i.e. an instrument that stays in tune, intonates properly and sounds great night after night. Peter Hurney, himself, is very easy to work with and has a great sense of humor.
Here’s a video of me playing a custom koa Pohaku concert ukulele.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Victoria Vox on Leno Tonight!
Ukulele diva Victoria Vox will be on Jay Leno's show tonight (Wednesday, December 2, 2009, 10pm ET). Oddly enough, not to play the ukulele, but to play her Mouth Trumpet. Truly. Let's hope Victoria gets asked to come back and bring her uke. Go, girl! Link
Bob Dylan and Tiny Tim
Your daily dose of Ukulele Zen: Bob Dylan and Tiny Tim, hanging out, sharing french fries. Seriously. Read the article at the Link
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Dateline: Orangeville
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Fundraiser for Tangi
Thursday, November 26, 2009
"Pass the Donuts"

UPDATE: Don't miss Gerald's Cold War history lesson in the comments!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Zac Efron Ukes in "Me and Orson Welles"

Now the film adaptation of "Me and Orson Welles" is hitting the theatres with Zac Ephron starring as the young uke-player (aged for the film to provide a heartthrob marketing angle, we suspect). Now all we need is a High School Musical ukulele to make this a trifecta. And, wonders of wonders, there is one.
My favorite angle to the story? Author Robert Kaplow is perhaps better known to NPR listeners (of a certain vintage) as Moe Moskowitz. Link
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A Jake and Two Queens
"I was shocked to hear that Bette Midler knew my music. I've been a huge fan of hers for many years," said Jake. "She's like a queen of entertainment. And to be performing with her for the Queen of England... it's a bit too much for me. I'm just so honored."Quite a line-up for the event. (But...wonder what HRH will make of Lady Gaga...) Link
Monday, November 23, 2009
Craig Robertson: Interview | Ukulele Hunt
(Kidding, Craig.)
Friday, November 20, 2009
Cigar Box Ukulele Kit

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Arthur Godfrey: Uke Tuning Advocate
Kaye Offers Uke Plan to MPPA; Pubbers Cool
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Curious Case of Benjamin Formby?

What is this? Some creepy cut and paste job, or a colorized photo of George in garb that coincidentally returned to style in the '70s? Or is Georgie now a babe in a cradle with his little ukulele in his hands a la Benjamin Button. Creepy. Link
Monday, November 16, 2009
King/Tranquada Journal Article
Tangi Ukulele Owner Savagely Beaten
Astro Boy Uke

Saturday, November 14, 2009
Pink Elephant...
Whahoo WIUO!
But…the Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra from
Check out their joyous, spot-on cover of Prince’s “I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man”.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Friday, November 06, 2009
George Formby Handbills

Peghed Tuners Now Available on Flukes

New Takamine Guitars Jake Shimabukuro Designed Ukulele

As one would expect, Shimabukuro wanted the new uke to be a real player, but affordable to as many people as possible (especially kids). A quick glance at the press shot of the uke shows some unexpected details in an entry-level instrument, notably the long neck (14 frets to the body) and extended fretboard (19 frets altogether!).
The MIGM uke will play a key role in supporting “Four Strings for Kids,” a program dedicated to making the ukulele available to children all over the world. A portion of the online only sales of the uke will go to support MIGM's outreach programs.
It's scheduled to go on sale early 2010. Link
Kepasa Ukuleles

This is the first installment in what I hope will become a monthly feature on Ukulelia. Each month I will discuss a maker of custom ukuleles; how they look, how they sound, why you should get one. This is more or less subjective on my part, although I have bought and sold string instruments all my life (Is this self-serving? Probably, but it's the way I'm going to approach it.). I won’t discuss any instrument in this series that I haven’t actually played.
Before I get into a specific builder, I guess there is the question of “why?”. Why buy a custom ukulele when there are so many good production ones out there now?
For me, the answer to that is easy. I like to think that the music I make is unique and personal. I think all musicians consider their sound unique and personal. One step in achieving that is having an instrument that was designed specifically for you. To produce a sound that is specific to you.
The other reason is to have a dependable instrument to play that, no matter how much you play it, you never discover all the sounds it can make. Sometimes when I look at a ukulele I just want to play it so I can hear it make “that sound”.
To start off, I’m going to take a look at Kepasa Ukulele in
Kevin’s building philosophy is outlined on his website:
“Build light, build loud, build often! Kepasa Ukuleles are designed to have a full and warm tone. I prefer this sound for fingerstyle ukulele and chord/melody style ukulele.
I enjoy studying the art of tap-tuning the top and back. Part of this is done by paying attention to wood thicknesses and strengths for each wood type, and shaping the braces to get the sound that is the most optimal from each particular ukulele. I start with a certain plan for each ukulele and I adjust accordingly along the way by communicating with the ukulele in progress. Sometimes the wood whispers to me...”
(above: left; a mahogany Josephine and right; a Koa model)
The two Kepasas I own are based on the Stewart “LeDomino” from the Twenties. They have a 14” scale, which is between a soprano and a concert, and are strung with concert gauge strings. This gives them a punchy, loud sound with a lot of depth. Although the top of a ukulele is important to the production of sound, the “body sound” what defines and broadens the sound. Kevin’s ukuleles have a warm sound. The mahogany ones are darker with more sustain and the koa ones have a surprising amount of bottom end.
The necks are fast and smooth and the ones with a 14” scale give just a bit more room. The saddle is compensated. I’m not one who ‘scopes the intonation, but I can hear if it’s off. I still feel conflicted about “strings through the body” method of anchoring the strings; it makes them harder to change, but I never worry about the bridge flying off. (I have had that happen occasionally with older ukuleles). Kevin makes a number of "standard" styles, these are just one of them.
This is a video of me playing a Kepasa “Josephine” in mahogany; (I'm not a great believer in "audio samples". The recording process always adds something to the sound; so this is how it sounds when I record it. Your results may vary...)
Right now Kevin’s prices are extremely reasonable, but the demand for his instruments is going up. Kevin, himself, is a great, easygoing guy and a joy to work with. Cheerful and self-effacing, he will give you a due date and stick to it. (This is a good thing in the world of luthiers). He has a music store in
Rather than make these articles too long and unreadable, I have opted for hitting the high points. If you want more info, contact Kevin; he's an easy guy to talk to.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
BNZ Ukulele Festival
Thursday, October 29, 2009
John Hodgman: "If the Guitar is a Novel...
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
More Uke Toting Actors
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Liverpool Ukulele Ceilidh 2009
every Beatles song to be performed on ukulele in Brooklyn - BrooklynVegan
December 5th and 6th, 2009. Be there, or be Sutcliffe.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Zombie Boogie!

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Uke Player Cookbook

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Elvis Presley for Ukulele

Original Warren Buffett Autographed DQ Ukulele Up for Auction

The first and original Warren Buffett DQ Uke designed by me and lovingly crafted by luthier extraordinaire Dave Talsma is up for auction.
As you may recall, the Dairy Queen Ukulele was auctioned off to benefit the Children's Miracle Network, and was purchased by the online casino for over $11,000.
(About a month after the auction, I got a call from Mr. B's assistant. He liked the uke so much he asked if we'd make him one to keep. That second--and last--version is now in his personal collection.)
Don't be fooled by the kitschy appearance. This is fine instrument and an outstanding player in the true Talsma fashion. I'm tempted to bid on it myself.
(In case you're curious, the autograph reads "Warren Five Fingers Buffett".)
Absentee bidding in open now. Live auction on November 7, 2009. Link
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Vote for Janet Klein...and Ian Whitcomb
As they say in Chicago: vote early, and vote often! Link
Mary J. Martin Accompanies "The Lost World"
Monday, October 05, 2009
...and she can whistle too!
Alison Losik from Eugene Oregon. Nice jazzy style, nice jazzy tunes. Gotta appreciate a girl who can whistle this good.
her site
Friday, October 02, 2009
The French Connection

Lionel Hubert, the organizer for the Paris Uke Fest, and Antoine Ladoue, percussionist extraordinaire, comprise the duo U.K.E. Their mini-tour of the east coast of the United States starts October 8th in Brooklyn, NY:
"The annual Paris Uke Fest has showcased an international array of ukulele superstars—including some of Brooklyn’s most talented players of this 4-stringed little instrument. On October 8, the Paris Uke Fest in Brooklyn will feature performances by local and international ukulele stars (coming from as close as Park Slope and as far as Australia!), Paris Uke Fest alums, French-themed music, and a special appearance by Paris Uke Fest founder Lionel Hubert with his experimental duo U.K.E. Hosted by the incomparable Sweet Soubrette at the charmingest venue in Brooklyn, Red Hook’s Jalopy Theatre. Comme c’est magnifique!"
On October 13th the lucky duo will travel to Boston to be part of a very special Ukulele Noir: (link)

and then off to Cape Cod, Orleans to be precise:
"On Thursday Oct 15th (just after your Noir!), Lionel and Antoine will perform on the Cape at the Hot Chocolate Sparrow in Orleans at 7:00. Tim Sweeney will open for them."
oops! forgot one:

Friday, September 25, 2009
Mighty Uke Premiere and Concert
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Hale Kula Update
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The Ukuleers
Click here to view these pictures larger
Catching up on uke news, I ran across an article about Adam Mentzer, a player from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and tucked into the comments was this gem from former Ukuleer, Tana Reiff:
Ukuleles are back. Now let's hope the Ukuleers are, too!"I was a member of the folk group, the Ukuleers, in York County [PA] back in the '60s. We landed in time between Arthur Godfrey and Tiny Tim. This article hit in the same week Mary Travers died. She was my idol and the Ukuleers were Peter, Paul & Mary wannabes. You want to see geeky and hip? Here's a picture of us circa 1965.
"I never posted an image to a board, so I hope you can see this because it's a good chuckle. That's me at age 14 holding the tenor uke, with the bow in my hair. I was the youngest. On the left is Rick Bowen, now a music professor in Indiana. Joan Kling became a nightclub singer. Denny Updegraff, the bongo dude, and Dave Myers, on the right, did not pursue musical careers as far as I know. We eventually graduated to one guitar, three baritone ukes, and bongoes. In perfect 4-part harmony, we covered Dylan and PP&M, of course, as well as spirituals, Pete Seeger, and even "Ragdoll" by the Four Seasons. We lasted three years. A big payday was $5 apiece, but it kept us in instruments, felt picks, and outfits. It was the most fun ever and, ask anyone, we were really good. Glad to know ukuleles are back!"
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Uke Are Marshall
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The Rope's the Dope

Peter Hurney, from Pohaku Ukuleles, has a this interesting ukulele on his's how it came to be:
"A customer provided me wood from a very old apple tree taken down on his family property. Along with the wood came a story of how a rope that was used in taking down the tree got tangled up and came dangerously close to strangling the customer and turning him into the unfortunate woodsman.
Fortunately he survived to have a section of the tree turned into this soprano ukulele. After considering his story I chose to whimsically tie the rope theme into the artistic composition of the ukulele.
Fruit woods have been traditionally used in instrument construction over the years however rarely commercially. I measured the dimensional stability of the wood before commencing construction and found it to be an amazingly stable choice of wood. The body and neck are made out of the Apple and I mated it with a Sitka Spruce soundboard which has a bear-claw figure to it."
Who was that customer, you may ask?
Robert Wheeler, of course...
Friday, September 11, 2009
Paper Moon Paper Toy

"Say it's only a (ukulele playing monkey sitting in a) paper moon..."
Or say it's a new paper toy designed by Matt Hawkins.
"3 color screen print on chipboard. Debuting tomorrow night at the Proper Assortment show at the Emerald Space in KC west bottoms. I'll put em' up in my Big Cartel sometime next week. 200 limited edition printed by the fantastic Vahalla Studios. Inspired by the song It's Only a Paper Moon."Link
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Hawaiian Job
Video at the link. Link
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Meanwhile, back in Chicago later this month...
Friday, September 04, 2009
Thursday, September 03, 2009
April Shower "Sha la la la la"
Great vocals+ukulele+claps. How come this song sounds so much better with a French accent????
April Shower
Wine Country 'Ukulele Festival

Monday, August 31, 2009
DaSilva Newsletter
UkuFingers iPhone/iTouch App
"Uku Fingers is more than an ukulele chord chart that shows you one way to play each chord. It shows you ALL the ways to play each chord – anywhere on the fretboard. Chord forms are color coded to quickly and easily find which inversion or fretboard placement makes the most sense. You can look at multiple chords together so you can see how they relate to each other (like the chord progression of a song), or how you can play chords at a different part of the neck to help with arrangements. You can also show scales along with the chords to find melodies or embellishments. Once a chord progression is loaded in, transposition is as easy as pressing a button. It even will show you relative pitch or the note names. Uku Fingers helps you to be a better player."Link
Susie Asado

Meet Susie Asado, aka Josepha Conrad, a songwriter, poet, lover of sweet tea, and ukulele player from Berlin. She has some US shows coming up, notably September 7, at Cake Shop in NYC.
Be sure to check out this amazing video of her song "Hello Antenna," a cut-paper animation by Veronika Samartseva and Anna Samoylovich. Link
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Hiram Bell Rings Widely
Happy 100th, Lannie Ruth!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Ukulele Quote of 2009
Hinchcliffe on the broad demographic appeal of the ukulele:
“I noticed many groovy, fit young people in the queue for tickets for our Proms concert, the kind of person I used to be,” he said yesterday."
Wellington Ukulele Orchestra National Tour

"The Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra are chuffed to announce their national tour in support of a brand new record, The Dreaming EP, which will include towns that have not yet hosted the wildly popular strummers."Link
Monday, August 24, 2009
Aloha, Killian
"Killian Mansfield, 16, of West Shokan, NY, artist, musician, humanitarian. He waged a valiant battle against a rare form of cancer armed with an infectious sense of humor and a life force to be reckoned with.
"He took up violin at age 3 and continued his dedication to music, winning an award for his elementary school music program (PS 24 in The Bronx, NY), and participating in what he called “an outstanding string program,” at Onteora High School. As a participant of the Fiddle & Dance camp run by Jay Ungar and Molly Mason at the Ashokan Center, he picked up the ukulele — an instrument that enabled him to continue playing music despite the limitations cancer imposed on his body, and made such an impact that a Pavilion is named in his honor.
"He loved the ukulele for its simplicity and ability to encourage egalitarian musicianship in young and old, professional and beginner. His philanthropic devotion was similar in its focus on empowerment. He wished, “more kids with cancer knew that choosing to eat well and doing acupuncture, reflexology, aromatherapy and the like can make them feel better.” He started the Killian Mansfield Foundation to help children with cancer and other serious illnesses through health care that treats the whole child- mind, body and spirit.
"In the last few months of his life with the assistance of world class musicians like Dr. John, Kate Pierson, John Sebastian, Todd Rundren, Levon Helm and many others, he summoned up all his fading strength and recorded Somewhere Else to benefit his foundation, and to send another message of empowerment for seriously ill children and teens."
Friday, August 21, 2009
All Tied Up...

For those of you who, like me, really like rope binding on a ukulele; this custom ukulele from luthier Peter Hurney of Pohaku Ukuleles is the bee's knees.
Ukulele Sales Soar
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Shelley O'Brien: Uke Goddess of the North

"She recently released an enchanting album of quirky pop music, You, Me and the Birds , and is currently in Europe carrying her custom-made 'uke' toward the Second Helsinki International Ukulele Festival (Aug. 21-23), where she'll be the lone Canadian representative."I guess James Hill is otherwise engaged. And the second Helsinki festival. Cool! Link
Ukers Invade Moose Lodge
More Proms News
"Afterwards, in one of the slower numbers, the audience replaced lighters aloft with ukuleles aloft which was a strangely poignant sight.With video: Link"I bet U2 don't have that"
A classical critic's take:
"More than 1,000 people, including Proms director Roger Wright, had brought their own ukes along for a communal performance of the Ode to Joy from Beethoven's Ninth. It sounded curiously Venetian, a bit like a serenade. As a non-uke person, I ended up rather wishing I played one. Tremendous."Link
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Drop Baby Drop

Rev sez the CD is available for $17 postpaid:
Lil' RevHighly recommended! Link
P.O. Box 71362
Milwaukee, WI 53217
A Night of 1,000 Ukuleles at the Proms
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Killian Mansfield: Somewhere Else

A couple of nice folks dropped us a note to let us know that Killian Mansfield's CD Somewhere Else is out and moving up the charts. From the press release:
"SOMEWHERE ELSE is the dream project of Killian Mansfield, a 16-year-old ukulele wiz from Woodstock, NY who has an advanced and rare form of cancer. Recorded In a window of time between a long hospitalization last winter and entering hospice care this spring, SOMEWHERE ELSE is an eclectic and uplifting labor of love. The album includes original songs and eclectic covers performed by Killian on 'uke' with critically acclaimed singers and musicians including Dr. John, Kate Pierson, John Sebastian, Todd Rundgren and Levon Helm. SOMEWHERE ELSE is a benefit recording for the Killian Mansfield Foundation, which supports integrative therapies like acupuncture, aromatherapy, reflexology and nutritional advice for children with cancer."Paul Overton has more information over on his blog. And here's Killian's parents' blog, with a recap of their appearance yesterday on (fellow cancer battler) Don Imus's show. (Killian was not feeling well enough to go on-air.)
Go buy Killian's CD now! There's a movement afoot to keep it in the top 100 albums on Amazon, and it seems to be successful! (It's also available on iTunes.) Proceeds benefit the Killian Mansfield Foundation and the Hope & Heroes Children's Cancer Fund.
(Thanks Paul and Barbara!)
Langley Ukulele Ensemble Tours Hawaii
Who would have thought that a bunch of haole kids would make such a splash on the local scene? Here's a great article about their trip. And I defy you to watch the slideshow video and not get chicken skin. Link
Financial Times on the Uke
Now if we can just make the cover of The Economist, we will have arrived. Link
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Amanda Palmer - Creep, live at Wanderlust
(Btw, Creep is the title of the song she's playing, not an expression of our opinion about Amanda --ed. )
Eat, Love, Pray...Uke

Update: Woodshed points out that James is indeed playing a Bushman Tenor. Morover, it's Jen Kwok's Bushman Tenor. More on Jen here. (Thanks, Al!)