Mr. Jalopy nonchalantly picked up a vintage Martin for $5 at a garage sale last weekend. Sez he:
"It was $5. Well, it was $20 with a Schwinn. The Schwinn was priced at $20, the uke $5. I got 'em down to $20 for both. So, depending on how you look at it, it was free!"Ukulelia Publisher Mark Frauenfelder is taking it pretty philosophically, but has plans for revenge:
"I hope to one day buy some weird hand tool I know nothing about that Mister Jalopy has fantasized about all his life and blithely post a lousy photo of it."Sources say Mr. Jalopy is being moved into a Witness Protection Program to save him from the legions of uke players who, having just read this post, are collectively screaming "ARGGGGGGHHHHHH!" Link
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