Whitney Darrow was a legendary New Yorker cartoonist. Many of his cartoons are classics of the genre. This, well, it may not be one of his best. I'm guessing that he drew this post WWII. High Larious among the Pacific Theatre vets.
Anyway, since Mr. Darrow had the foresight to include a ukulele in the cartoon, I think we can salvage it. Write a new caption and post it at the comments link!
"I'm sorry your dog has fleas, but I just want to know how to tune this thing."
By the way... did you notice that the artist looks like he made a correction in the drawing? It appears he painted over the white guy holding his hat and replaced it with the ukulele. I guess that made the joke clearer.
Hmmm. Or maybe I just got fooled by the crafty uke player from the Netherlands who posted it (http://www.ukuleleclub.nl/).
(Write captions anyway, folks!)
"It took me forver to smuggle the kids in my check-on luggage, and unfortunately only one of them made it, but it was so worth it to trade for this slammin' Kamaka!"
FIRST hand over the baby...THEN you get the ukulele.
Nice, guys. Keep 'em coming!
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