Saturday, May 26, 2007

Hey, There, Formby Girl...

May 26th is the birthday of Me, and, oh yeah, that other guy.

In humble commemoration, here's a follow-up article about a plucky young uke player (not me) who's a big George Formby fan (although I am, too). Francesca Davies, aka "Formby Girl," recently played in a charity event that raised funds for underprivileged children. Aptly, the event was held at the Salford Masonic Hall on the Crescent.

At left is a photo of Francesca, doing her best Craig Robertson, albeit with a Trilby. What's the diff between a Fedora and a Trilby and a Fedora? Well if you're really into that...



Anonymous said...

What a great story. Any idea how American ukers can donate?

ROCK said...


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