Shirley Orlando of Ukes for Troops wrote us with this terrific news flash:
"Hi, Gary!
Could you put this story on your web site. I received it in my Email today and starting cracking up. Now we've got the Marines turning in their band instruments for ukuleles. I don't think John Philip Sousa will be turning in his grave, however...he's probably doing the hula!
Love Ukulelia and give the web site to all my new students, and anyone interested in Ukulele.
Shirley Orlando,
Ukes for Troops
Here's a snip:
Don't miss all the great photos that accompany this article. They'll give you a real sense of the positive impact that the Ukes for Troops program is having on our brothers and sisters in arms.
The best part is the ukuleles now belong to the Marines. They were passed out to other bandsmen assisting in security duties throughout the area of operations. In little corners all across Fallujah and Habbaniyah, Marines are plucking the sing-song strains of the South Pacific.
“It’s great to be able to play, but better for the rest of the Marines,” Dalberg said. “Someone’s getting the chance to play music because of this donation. Too many times you hear, ‘I wish I could play.’ Here, we’ve got someone giving us instruments to learn how to play.”
“It’s a really nice gesture that someone would do something like that,” Hufford added.
“I enjoyed being able to feel like playing music had a purpose again,” Dalberg explained. “We played and it made people smile and that’s what it’s about.”
So listen up, all you loyal Ukulelia readers: for about the price of a yellow "Support Our Troops" ribbon decal you can send a uke and songbook to a soldier. That's 25 Bucks, recruits. TEN SHUN! Present checkbooks! And that's an order!
PS: I think Sousa would love this (courtesy of
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