Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Shimmy Like the Ditty Bops

Yowzah! Lot's of people out there are curious about the song "I Wish That I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate" and the version of it that was featured on a recent episode of ABC's "Grey's Anatomy." With the kind assistance of the folks over at the Fleamarket Music Bulletin Board, we learned that the red hot version you're probably looking for was done by the enigmatically peppy Ditty Bops (who just happen to be pals of my dear friend and fellow Ringling Bros. alum, Tuba, who is responsible for me playing the uke in the first place...whew!). A full clip of "Sister Kate" is on the duo's site here. There's also a quicktime movie of them performing it here. Link

And, by the way, we also learned something of the seamy history behind "Sister Kate" courtesy of Uncle Rufus. Here are links to info on the OHEK site.

Finally, here's a link to a page where you can download a .doc file with chords. (Thanks to all at the FMBB!).

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